My Name Is Courage

Diary of the Abused

Journal Entry: September 2010

MY LIFE IS SO BORING! I hate looking at everyone’s status about how fun college life is and how much they love their roomies. Don’t get me wrong, I love my roomie 😉 but it gets pretty boring around here by myself. He kinda makes me sad a lot too. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose but sometimes I don’t think he even knows he’s hurting me. Sometimes I think he does but he doesn’t care. It really bothers me cause I feel like he’s always trying to make me feel bad. Even when he’s the one who hurts me, he always finds a way to make me feel bad for him and make it so I’m the one who is comforting him. Sometimes he makes me feel really stupid and like I don’t know anything. Maybe I shouldn’t say HE MAKES me feel this way cause no one can control your emotions but yourself. I am sad a lot. I want to cry a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I’m depressed or if it’s just because of the birth control I’m on. Maybe it’s because sometimes I feel guilty for the life I’m living.

This is an actual word for word journal entry I made when I was 18 years old and living with my 26 year old boyfriend. It was a relatively new relationship. We dated for a couple of months before we became exclusive and I moved in with him. I had only been living with him for about a month when I wrote this. I was only one month in and, to some extent, I already recognized that something was very wrong. I didn’t leave for two years.

I didn’t know it then, but I was in an abusive relationship. In my mind, abuse was when someone physically hurt you. He never laid a hand on me so. . .no abuse, right? Wrong. But 18 year old me didn’t know that. All I knew was that I cried a lot and lived my life walking on eggshells. My life’s purpose was to avoid doing or saying anything that might make him mad. I never knew what that might be.

Even when things were going well, I was terrified of what might set him off. He was like a ticking time bomb. It was just a matter of time before I did something that ended with him yelling at me and either storming out of the house, or giving me the silent treatment. I was left in a puddle of misery for hours on end, most of the time not having a clue what I even did wrong. When he saw it fit to allow me in his presence again, I would beg and beg for forgiveness. Often times, the only way to gain his forgiveness or get him to talk to me again was to have sex with him.

I was in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship and I didn’t have a clue. All I knew was that I felt worthless, unwanted, and scared.

Why am I choosing to share this? Believe me, I fought it. Heaven knows that, for so long, anyone finding out was literally my worst nightmare . But I’ve realized that my biggest darkest secret needs to be shared for two reasons.

One: To help others who find themselves in abusive relationships. If you’re one of those people, first let me say that I am so sorry. Sorry you’re hurting so much right now. I know you may feel so utterly alone at this time in your life and feel like you have no one to talk to. No one who would understand. I know exactly how you feel and I remember all I wanted at that time in my life was for someone to tell me I wasn’t crazy. I felt like I was going insane doing everything I could to make him happy and nothing was working. It was maddening. Well, I’m here to tell you: You are not alone, you are not crazy, and you are not to blame.

Two: To help me. I’ve spent a good amount of my life trying to pretend this part of my life didn’t happen. I have always been embarrassed and ashamed of the choices I made that put me in this situation. I was afraid of being judged and criticized. I made a lot of mistakes and I did a lot of things wrong and it’s really hard to face those things. But it’s time I helped myself and faced my past. It’s become very apparent that it’s not going away on it’s own, so I’m choosing to share what I learned from it and hopefully find (and share) some healing along the way.

I will be sharing much much more on this topic weekly, so if you’d like to read more, subscribe by entering your email below. You’ll receive a notification when I make a new post, and no spam, I promise 🙂  Soon, I’ll be making a post that will help those on the “outside” gain a little bit more understanding on why it can be so hard to leave an abusive relationship. I was incredibly unhappy from month one and I stayed for two years.

***Let me be clear that I am in no way blaming this person for the mistakes I made and, believe me, I know I made plenty of them. I was at fault in many ways too, but I now know that in no way, shape, or form did I deserve being treated so poorly and so harshly. No one does. That’s the message I hope to share.***

Much Love,


20 thoughts on “Diary of the Abused”

  1. Karalee Ransom

    You are a strong woman, Robyn! Thanks for sharing. I too, have been there in my past life. I am a firm believer in the saying, “don’t judge me by my past, I don’t live there anymore.”
    I would like to read your future blog posts on this subject.

  2. Robyn, You are brave beyond words. I am so sorry you had to go through this in your Young Life, and I am so happy that you had the wisdom and guts to get out. I am very interested in your perspective for people on the outside to understand and know better how to be of real help.

    1. Thank you so much. It was incredibly hard but I did learn a lot. I hope you find value in my future posts! Love you!

  3. I ❤️ you Robin. I admire and applaud your courage. Life is such a great teacher if we allow it to be so. Your are doing so and along your journey, your willingness to be vulnerable IS helping others. I’m so grateful to be apart of your life. Your story inspires me to learn from my life’s mistakes and be better!!!

    1. You’re so right, we just have to choose to let it teach us! Sometimes my stubbornness gets in the way of that haha

  4. Rosann Stanko

    Thank you for sharing this profound story. From the first time I met your, I immediately felt a special love for you. You are an angel sister. I am very sorry you have had to go through this terrible trial. Thank you for reaching out to help others. God bless and comfort you. I miss you and your precious family.
    With love, Rosann ?

    1. Rosann, I don’t think it’s possible that anyone could cross your path and not immediately feel your love. Thank you for your kind words, you have always been so good to me and my family!

  5. Robyn you just gave me another reason to love you, the atonement helps us all as we look back on our lives we can see what he has done to help us grow I love you and always will thank you for sharing so that others might grow….

  6. I’ve been on vacation to Colorado and the Rocky Mountains and chose to take a vacation from FB also. So I just read this late last night in the hotel on my way home. Just wanting to let you know I admire and am grateful for your willingness to share your story out of concern for others in the hope of helping them have the courage to become a survivor also. I feel it can help each of us gain the courage to not give up and know that there is still hope for us by hearing others survival stories. It truly is possible to be healed from the deepest wounds, no matter where they came from. God’s gift of the Atonement really is the most precious gift of all isn’t it? I find the depth of His love for me, no matter where I am on my journey, so comforting and healing. Robyn, I wish we knew each other better. Please know that I love you dearly and am sorry I don’t know how to show it well, as I struggle with my own demons and healing process. I’m so glad you found your way through hard things. I’m also glad you married someone wise enough to see the true Queen in you and knows how to treat you as one, as you continue on your path of healing. I look forward to learning more from you as you continue to share your story.❤️

    1. It truly is. I love you too Aunt Janet and don’t be sorry! As you said, we all have our own demons that we’re fighting each and every day. You have always been so loving and supportive and for that I am grateful. I love you!

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