Make Love, Not Walls
Does this sound familiar?
You’re in relationship with a good man but have a traumatic relationship in your past that has made it hard to connect sexually?
You want to enjoy intimacy with your partner. You know he’s safe. You know he loves you.
But the overwhelming anxiety that washes over you at just the thought, makes you avoid it at all costs.
You’ve done the therapy, you’ve done the work.
But you still find yourself checking out of your body during sex and just hoping that it will be over as soon as possible.
You avoid going to bed at the same time so he doesn’t even ask. You avoid kissing or flirting with him, afraid of where it might lead.
In fact, it’s become a mostly unspoken sore spot in your marriage.
He doesn’t even initiate at this point, and you feel grateful and guilty at the same time.
You feel like your marriage would be perfect if it weren’t for the unhealed sexual trauma that’s in your past.
And worst of all, you’re afraid that it will always be this way.
And you’re not sure your marriage can survive it.

You're not alone. You're not broken.
And there is a way out of it.
Our sexuality is not inherently good or bad, but it is a very powerful way to connect with another person. That power can be used in a way that is destructive and cruel. This you already know. This you have experienced first hand. But it can also be used as a way to create goodness and joy and connection in a way that is beautiful and expansive. This you’ve heard. This you have a hard time believing that it could ever be true for you because of the trauma in your past.
Once you’ve experienced the destruction and pain that can come from sex, it’s incredibly difficult to see or believe that it could be anything else. Believe me, I know. After years and years of trying, I wondered the same thing. Maybe it’s just not possible for me, even if I am in a safe relationship now. But I kept looking for answers. I refused to believe that this pain was my reality forever, that I would never heal from the hurt. That I would never be able to enjoy intimacy with my husband who I knew was safe and that he loved me.
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Thankfully, that sheer stubbornness eventually paid off. To let your whole self be seen in the bedroom, instead of trying to shrink and to disappear. . . To know who you are and want to share that part of yourself with your husband, instead of walking away feeling empty and like something was taken from you. . . To kiss and flirt with your husband because you’re no longer afraid of where it might lead. . . To actually desire sex because you love sharing that part of yourself with him. . . I’m trying to put it into words but honestly, words could never do it justice. All I can say is that it’s worth fighting for. Don’t give up. If I can get here, I know you can too. Sex is powerful. And I know you’ve experienced the pure hell that can come from someone who uses that power to be destructive. But that’s not all there is. In fact, that’s not what it was ever meant to be. It is meant to be a space where you and your beloved are able to bring your beautifully flawed selves to the bedroom and let yourselves be seen and loved, regardless of your imperfections. It is meant to be something that leaves you feeling like you know yourself and your partner better now than you did before. A glimpse into the goodness that lies within each others souls. You’re more in touch with your strength, your desires, your zest for life. And you’re able to do this because you’ve learned how to, not only be happy in your own skin, but to no longer look to anyone else to tell you if you’re okay. If you’re acceptable. You’re no longer going into it trying to be something for someone else. Instead, you’re choosing to engage because you know where your strength lies, you know your sexuality is your own, and that it was given to you to create goodness with. And in order to create goodness with it, you must own it. You must choose it. You must decide for yourself that it is something that you want. The difference between what you’ve experienced in the past and what you hope to experience someday lies in whether you have claimed your sexuality or if it’s something that you still believe belongs to someone else. If that’s something you desire, I invite you to choose to take back what was always yours. Come experience it for yourself. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Hi, I'm Robyn!
10 years ago, I was at a marriage conference with my kind and loving husband. When the ‘homework’ assigned was to have sex that night, a feeling of complete panic and dread washed over me. I had a full on break down in the parking lot on our way to our car. In that moment, I couldn’t have told you why I had that reaction but after years and years of therapy I can now tell you that it was because of the emotionally and sexually abusive relationship I was in before I met my husband. Despite my firm (and slightly stubborn) belief that pretending like it never happened would make it all go away, the trauma still reared it’s ugly head. Stupid trauma. I was sure therapy would fix me but after years and years of different therapists/therapy, I still wanted little to nothing to do with sex. I even tried marriage conferences, retreats, life coaches, books, sensate focus. . .And while all of those things helped me heal and grow in so many other ways, the sex part felt untouchable. I still wanted little to nothing to do with it. I felt like my marriage was hanging on by a thread. I felt so broken and discouraged. And then. . . I had new a coach who believed I was capable of hearing the truth. Not just the comfortable, validating truths that I had heard for years and years like, “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way. He was in the wrong. . .”
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While all those things are true and even necessary to understand in order to promote healing, I had reached a point that I needed something that was going to do more than validate my hurt. I needed someone who could help me take back my power. And for that to happen, my coach knew that I needed the whole truth instead of just the half that was comfortable. The truth that would eventually set me free, but that was going to punch me in the gut first. And I couldn’t be more grateful that she was willing. Without victim blaming, she helped me look at my life and ask myself, “What part did I play in all of this?” I was able to move out victimhood and into self authoring. I moved out of “life happens to me and I have no control over it” and into “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”. It was then and only then that I realized that if I wanted my marriage and my sex life to be different, I needed to be willing to stop playing the victim and look at the choices I made in every step of my story. I had to be willing to look at my weaknesses, my fears, my shortcomings. I had to be willing to look at what beliefs I held that allowed me to be treated that way and believe it was love. I had to choose truth over comfort. This is exactly what I needed and I can’t even tell you how many coaches and therapists I went through before I got it. So now I am that person for others, the one that will help you look at yourself. Because I believe *the meaningful change that you’ve been looking for can only come from owning your part in your own story. By choosing to take back the power that you’ve been giving away for so long.

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What is it like working with me?
Lacey was married to a good man who she loved and he loved her. They had a beautiful family together and they knew how to be good partners. From the outside, her life probably seemed picture perfect. She knew she had so much to be grateful for, and yet despite her best efforts, the traumatic relationship in her past was still wreaking havoc on her marriage. She knew her husband loved her, knew he was safe but still she struggled to engage with him sexually. In fact, she wanted so little to do with sex that she found herself subconsciously finding ways to push him away, like avoiding flirting or always finding reasons to be upset with him, in an attempt to avoid even the possibility of it. When she did try to push through out of guilt, she found herself either feeling triggered or completely checking out of her body just to get through it. Instead of intimacy bringing her closer to her husband, she felt like it was the wedge that was driving them apart. Desperate to improve this aspect of their marriage, Lacey tried everything she could think of, including therapy, to heal. While she was able to heal in a lot of other important ways, it felt like nothing had helped her actually want and enjoy sex. Lacey was beginning to lose hope, wondering if she was broken beyond repair.
Then she met Robyn. Someone who had been there herself. Someone who truly got it because she lived it, not just studied it. And not only someone who got it, but someone who got through it.
As Robyn coached Lacey, she met her with equal amounts of compassion and accountability. For the first time in her life, Lacey had someone who, with zero judgement, was able to help her see where she had given away her power . Robyn helped Lacey understand that, in an attempt to regain her agency, she had shut down her sexuality. But in doing so, she had disowned a fundamental part of who she is. Not because that’s all she’s good for, but because in order to shut down her God given sexuality, she must first shut down her passion, her authenticity, and her strength.
Robyn made it clear that Lacey did not have to reclaim her sexuality nor her desire for sex, but she could if that’s what she wanted. Once Lacey decided for herself that this was something that she wanted, Robyn helped show her the path to getting it back.
It was not an easy path. In fact, it was far from. But Lacey had done hard most of her life. And while this path was incredibly hard, it was a path that she continued to actively choose because she believed that on the other side of the discomfort and struggle was what she wanted: the ability to express and receive love and deep connection with her husband through her sexuality.
How Do I Know if This is For Me?
- Do you have a traumatic relationship in your past?
- Are you now married to a good man but still find that sex is still incredibly difficult or impossible to enjoy/want?
- Even though you’ve done the therapy and a put in a lot of work and effort to heal?
- Do you feel like regardless of those efforts, the past trauma still plays a large part in why you can’t enjoy intimacy?
- Have you ever thought, “My marriage would be perfect if it weren’t for the sex.”
- Do you find yourself avoiding emotional connection with your spouse as a way to avoid sex?
- Do you feel guilty and tear yourself apart for being too broken to connect sexually, when you know your current partner did nothing wrong/nothing to “deserve” it?
- Do you logically understand that your spouse is safe and would never hurt you, but the thought of being intimate with him still makes you incredibly anxious?
- Have you ever felt like you would be thrilled if you never had to have sex again in your life, but you wish you did want it because you can see how much it matters to your husband?

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Often times it's hard to know what the right next step is. Click here for a full list of resources I personally love and recommend for every stage of healing.